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After successfully installing Ubuntu on my PC, I want to install KDE 4 Desktop to it. KDE 4.2.2 (that will be installed) have a beautyfull appearance even a little slow than GNOME for an old machine.


Now, let’s to the point :p

To install entire KDE 4 environment, just type this on terminal:

sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

Please be patient, the installation will be take a long time, depend on your connection speed.

To Enter the KDE4 Desktop, just reboot/logout the system, change the session to KDE . .

kde 4 desktop


  1. If you might change the GDM to KDM as our default window login

    Just type this on terminal:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm

    And choose the KDM as a default

  3. Because KDE application will not “arranged” properly in the gnome menu, I very recommended, that we’ve install “gnome-menu-extended” to make the KDE application have bundled in new sub menu on gnome menu (download here)


gnome menu extended

Thanks, I hope this article to be useful, question and comment are welcome 🙂